File Analysis

peepdf – PDF analyzer.

oledump – Windows file analysis [1] and [2].

oletools – Suite to analyze OLE and MS Office files.

Structured Storage Viewer (SSV) – This tool allows to completely manage any MS OLE Structured Storage based file.

BiffView++ – BiffView is a tool for viewing the BIFF structure of a binary Excel sheet.

Disk2vhd: Convert something to VHD to import in VirtualBox (e.g., nvme ssd). For Virtualbox, uncheck the option: "use vhdx".

For cloning it, select all devices and partitions:

In VirtualBox, attach a new optical device:

Execute the chntpw with the virtual machine, and set the Administrator password as BLANK.

Option: 1

Option: 1

Option: 1

Option: 1f4

Option: 1

After that, detach the optical drive, and restart the VM!

Using dd:

dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/ruta/diskbak.raw
VBoxManage convertfromraw diskbak.raw --format vdi diskbak.vdi
VBoxManage modifyhd --compact diskbak.vdi

Last updated