Install Frida iPhone 5S

Frida Installation Guide

After jailbreaking your device using the unc0ver JB, you need to access Cydia and install the right Frida server for this iOS version. In this case, I installed the Frida For A12 + devices.

After that, the version 14.2.13 was installed in your iPhone.

At this moment, we need to install the right version also on the Linux machine.

pip uninstall frida #for removing other versions
pip install frida==14.2.13
frida --version

If you execute your frida and got an error, you are on the right way ;D

frida-ps -U
Failed to enumerate processes: this feature requires an iOS Developer Disk Image
to be mounted; run Xcode briefly or use ideviceimagemounter to mount
one manually

So, you need to find the right iOS Developer Disk Image on this repository. In my case, the version: 11.0

Once downloaded, unzip it and go to its directory. Unlock the device and run the following command:

ideviceimagemounter DeveloperDiskImage.dmg DeveloperDiskimage.dmg.signature

After that, run it again:

frida-ps -U                                     
 PID  Name
----  --------------------------------------------------------
 889  AppleIDAuthAgent
 715  BlueTool
 926  CallHistorySyncHelper
 624  CloudKeychainProxy
1000  CommCenter
1067  ContainerMetadataExtractor
1064  ContextService
1031  Cydia
 732  IMDPersistenceAgent
1066  LocalStorageFileProvider
1075  MTLCompilerService
1602  MTLCompilerService
1074  MTLCompilerService
1603  MTLCompilerService
1389  MobileCal
 771  MobileGestaltHelper
1024  MobileMail
1001  MobileStorageMounter
1260  OTATaskingAgent

You got it 😎

Spawn app with Frida

First, using Cydia you need to install ipainstaller ;)

This app will be used to get the applications' full path via SSH.

iphone:~ root# ipainstaller -l
iphone:~ root#

Now, you can spawn the target app using the following command:

frida -U -f 'com.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx'
frida -U -f 'com.xxxx.xxxx.xxxxx' -l frida.js


After starting the hook with frida (frida.js) you can get some errors like these:

need Gadget to attach on jailed iOS; its default location is: /Users/imac/.cache/frida/gadget-ios.dylib

So, you need to download the ios universal gadget from frida releases page on GitHub. You need to download the same version according to your Frida version. Then, you need to follow the next steps:

gunzip frida-gadget-14.2.13-ios-universal.dylib.gz
mkdir -p ~/.cache/frida
cp frida-gadget-14.2.13-ios-universal.dylib ~/.cache/frida/gadget-ios.dylib

--- execute again frida with the hook file like a baws ----
frida -U -f 'com.xxxx.xxxx.xxxxx' -l frida.js


Complete guide

  1. Start Cydia and navigate to the Sources Page.

  2. Click Edit in the top right corner, then Add in the top left.

  3. Enter aand click Add Source.

  4. Click on in your list of sources and click All Packages.

  5. Install the corresponding package for your device.

  6. Reboot

I chose Frida for A12+ devices on my iPhone SE 2`. If you don't know what your device is, you can check the following list:

  • Frida for 32-bit devices:

    • Devices released on/before September 2012 (iPhone 5 and older)

  • Frida for pre-A12 devices:

    • Devices released between September 2013 and September 2017 (iPhone 5S to iPhone 8/X)

  • Frida for A12+ devices:

    • Devices released after September 2018 (iPhone XS/XR and newer)

I won't go through how to install Frida on your workstation, but it needs to be done. You can find instructions here.

If you haven't done so already, you will need to make sure that the device is connected via USB and unlocked. Then run the following command:

idevicepair pair

You will be prompted with ERROR: Please accept the trust dialog on the screen of device <UDID>, then attempt to pair again.

Click the Trust button on the dialog on your iPhone and run the previous command again. You should now see SUCCESS: Paired with device <UDID>

You can test that everything is working by running the following command:

frida-ps -U

If you recieve the message Failed to enumerate processes: this feature requires an iOS Developer Disk Image to be mounted; run Xcode briefly or use ideviceimagemounter to mount one manually

, you will need to download the Developer Disk Image from this GitHub Repository. It needs to match the iOS version on your device, so since I'm using iOS 13.5, I would download this Disk Image.

Once downloaded, unzip it and go to its directory. Unlock the device and run the following command:

ideviceimagemounter DeveloperDiskImage.dmg DeveloperDiskimage.dmg.signature

If you're getting mount_image returned -3, you may be fine. Try frida-ps -U again. I spent way too long trying to figure out why it wasn't working, when it really was.

You should see output similar to:

PID  Name
---  --------------------------------------------------------
569  Cydia
957  Settings
546  Siri Search
451  ACCHWComponentAuthService
439  AppleCredentialManagerDaemon
561  AssetCacheLocatorService
472  BlueTool
518  CAReportingService
552  CMFSyncAgent
494  CloudKeychainProxy
448  CommCenter
463  CommCenterMobileHelper
555  ContainerMetadataExtractor

Last updated