FTK Image Create
Select source
Select Drive
Create Image
Select Image Type
Define the length of the segments or set it as "0" to create a single raw image.
Convert segments into a single raw file (dd)
The "/b" parameter means: binary.
Convert from E01 files into single RAW file
Convert from VMDK into RAW format with qemu
Convert from RAW format into VDI (VirtualBox)
Change SAM Password to boot machines
Hirens' Boot
Can not you login after patch the SAM?
If you can't change the SAM file or the login doesn't work, you can simply create a ISO file with the needed tools (e.g.: velociraptor collector) and execute it locally with Hiron's Boot.
Add the iso file via CD drive on virtualbox.
Use the dissect-shell after that to dump the outputed .zip file with all the artifacts .
Last updated